Last Nights Mark Levin Show Opening Monologue Is A Must-Watch

Last Nights Mark Levin Show opening monologue is a must-watch segment. It’s 29 days until the most critical midterm elections will decide if we turn America around ~ or lose her forever. Mark hit the ball way out of the park last night! He’s an inspiration to all Americans. What he says in the below video are the facts. We must vote Republican on the full ballot preferably in person in 29 days to Save America!

Mark Levin hit the ball out of the park with this eye opening monologue. Video credit, FoxNews/Rumble

It’s only 29 Days until the most important midterm election in decades. We know from the analysis done on the 2020 Presidential Election there was massive cheating that sadly put the absolute worst president in American history into office. The Democrat Party (DNC) manipulates the lamestream media and big tech. The news these days is not about the news but political opinion. You’ll never see anything like Mark Levin’s opening monologue on last night’s show on lamestream media or leftist-controlled social media.

Fake news is raising its ugly head in the midterm elections in 2022. Image credit, Edgehill

Breitbart News reports: Democrat operatives are reportedly using seemingly local news outlets to push articles favoring their party as the midterm elections approach. Approximately 51 sites have emerged since 2021 with names such as the Milwaukee Metro Times, the Mecklenburg Herald, and the Tri-City Record, according to an Axios article published Thursday. The sites are focused on key swing states with elections in 2021 and 2022: Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin, the report said, adding that the sites feature stories about local happenings along with news promoting Democrat midterm candidates while targeting Republicans. The sites are reportedly all managed by a company called Local Report, Inc., and all appear to be connected to the American Independent (TAI), which was launched by Democratic operative and fundraiser David Brock who is also known for founding the left-leaning media watchdog Media Matters.

Levin Show opening monologue
This crowd cheered as Donald Trump told attendees how serious this year’s midterms are. Image credit, Goshen News

Fake News websites are nothing new, but the Democrats have put a new spin on an old game. In the past and probably still goes on today entrepreneurs load up websites with ads and profit from the clicks. But the Democrats are using fake news sites to promote themselves. Watch the Mark Levin Show opening monologue, and last night’s Trump Save America Rally in Mesa AZ while you’re here. This makes turning the midterms RED all the more important! Vote with your American homeland’s heart in mind!

I'm an original Floridian and hobbyist Internet webmaster who specializes in SEO and WordPress mods and tweaking. Also i''m well versed on CloudFlare CDN setup and best practices. I had a nearly fatal fall a year ago and still are unable to walk, and are in a SNF facility being cared for. But my doctors are unable to diagnose why i can no longer walk. Please pray for me!❤️

One Thought to “Last Nights Mark Levin Show Opening Monologue Is A Must-Watch”

  1. theonenow

    Levin, you are so ‘pie in the sky’ if you think this election will change anything. The Left is NOT going to yield their power like Trump did. Trump did what a Leftist would never do… cut and run from a stolen election. Nothing will change after the next fraudulent election.

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